Monday, December 18, 2006

New Pics of Michael!

Michael had his first bath in the tub this weekend. He seemed to like it. Good thing since he's got a bad habit of spitting up and going to the bathroom all over the place!


The surprise party for Joe went really well. He had no idea even though I had gotten a little sloppy hiding it near the end! I didn't get a chance to take many pictures, but a friend of mine caught him when he just got home. It's funny because he has an armload of baby stuff! He's a regular Mr. Mom!

Our Chirstmas Tree

We went a few days after Thanksgiving to get out tree. That was hunt! Good Christmas trees are hard to find around here and trees that are a reasonable price are even harder. We finally found this tree at a church in a town near ours. There was only one place in Milton(where we live) to get them and they were between $80 and $150! Whoa! Joe was scouting trees along the side of the road for a while. No luck there either!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Taryn & Matt's Blog
Carey & Barclay's Blog

Michael is Here!!!

Michael finally arrived on November 29th. He weighed in at 8lbs 8oz. A lot of people think he looks like his Dad, but you can decide for yourself. We are so sorry for anyone who didn't receive pictures. We tried to send them to everyone on Saturday, but a lot of them didn't go through. After a lot of work by his Mom, he finally joined us outside the belly at 4:58pm. Joe thought the one of him with no clothes on was so funny because he looks like he's a rapper.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Tonight we carved pumpkins with our neighbors Bob and Allison. Joe got really brave and decided to carve letters. I thought we were surely headed for disaster, but it turned out really well! He had to hide the halloween candy today. I just couldn't stop eating it! He was afraid that we might run out before halloween and wouldn't have any for the kids in the neighborhood. He was probably right, but it's always a bad idea to take candy away from someone who is 9 months pregnant!

Fleet Fly In

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good week. This week was fleet fly in week on base. The Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Gaurd bring in all of their air craft for the students to see and ride in. I thought you might be interested in seeing the helicopters that Joe could end up flying. The Marines have 4, the 46, 53, Cobra and Huey. Those are the only pictures I took. We were short on day light and they were the most important.
The other Marines in the pictures are Bob(our neighbor) and Ethan (Joe's friend). They both just moved back here from Corpus. If you're here for Thanksgiving, you'll get to meet them!

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Hey everybody. I hope you are all doing well. Taryn-The invitations to the baby shower lookm great. Thank you so much. I wanted to tell you guys that I held my first class and it went really well. We had a great time. My second one is tomorrow so I'm crossing my fingers that this one is just as good. I haven't started my online parties yet, but I think that will go over well. Joe ran a 5K this morning. He said it went pretty well. Tonight he's having poker night at our house. That should be interesting. Our friend Brian Miller is visiting from Meridian Mississippi. He's flying jets over there. So, I guess that's it. I hope everybody has a great weekend. I CAN'T WAIT TO COME HOME!!!! I'm so excited.
Ok, Bye!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Last Shot

Here's the last photo of the baby's room. We picked up the lamp today. I hope everybody has a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Funny Thing...

Right after I put up the last post the baby store called and said the lamp was in. I guess I'll be putting up new revised pics when we pick that up tomorrow. I also noticed after I posted the pictures that some of those planes are really crooked! I will fix those tomorrow as well!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARYN!!!!! I hope tomorrow is a great day for you!

Baby's Room!

We finally put up some of the finishing touches to the baby's room. I thought I would post some pictures. We are waiting on a lamp that we ordered so it's not quite finished, but it's close. This weekend Joe and I went to the beach and we saw a bunch of dolphins. They were swimming so close to the shore. It was really cool. Also, I wanted to share some of the purchases Joe has made. He's been shopping online for baby clothes! Hilarious!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006


So far the family has been in town since Wednesday. We have done a lot of fun stuff. We went to Navarre beach for the day. We went bowling(Allie's favorite), to the water park, to the aquarium and to the pool. The guys went golfing today. Cole decided it was way too hot around the 5th hole. We also went shopping for baby furniture! Yay! Everyone was so nice and helped put everything together. It looks great thanks to all of their hard work! Mom has been busy in the kitchen. She made us a big fried chicken dinner the other night and tonight she is making a lot of Joe's favorites. This is only the beginning. We still have a few more days left so I will post more photos at the end of the week!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Baby Nate

I posted earlier that Natalie had her baby. Here's baby Nate. He was born on July 19th!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Well big news! Natalie had her baby. He was born on the 19th and the very next day Natalie's sister Diana had her baby. We are still trying to get the old apartment cleared out and cleaned up. Hopefully tomorrow will be the last day for that!
Our house is just about finished. We have a few things left to put away. We are having some of our friends over on Saturday night for a cookout so things should be done by then.
Mom, Roger and the kids are coming next Wednesday to visit. Joe classes up next Thursday. So that's it from over here!

Friday, July 14, 2006

It's a Boy!

Well after 5 months of pondering, and endless guessing we found out today that we're having a boy! The nurse at the hospital said that he was going to be trouble. He was moving around so much the entire time, it took her forever to get the pictures she needed. Bad news though, Aunt Aggie's formula didn't work for us. According to that it should have been a girl. I guess these things are just meant to be a surprise. So here's a picture of his profile. I think this picture looks like the Alfred Hitchcock baby. Four monthes to go!

New House!

Well we went back and forth about moving. Finally we made up our minds and decided to go ahead and do it. Right now we are in the process of moving from the apartment to the house. It's really amazing just how much stuff you can pack into a little apartment! The house is great. It's got 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. A big living room, kitchen and a garage. We hope you can all come down and see it before we move again!

Trip to IN!

Our vacation was really great. We started it with a trip to the Atlanta aquarium. It is really neat there. We got to see all kinds of things!
After the aquarium we went to Kiawah to visit. We had a good time laying in the sun and Joe did a little golfing. So then we made the long drive back to Indiana. It was great. We got to see everyone. I went to a baby shower for Natalie. She's due at the end of the month! We had a good 4th of July. Joe and Abby went crazy at the fireworks place. The two of them along with Roger and Paul put on quite a show for the rest of us! We spent the rest of the time visiting with everyone. Thanks to moms and grandma's we aquired some of our first baby things. We tried them out on Lily.
We were sad to leave, but now we are getting some visitors in just a couple weeks!

Stand By!

Please stand by for exciting news from the doctor, house news and pictures from our visit home!
We'll be making calls around 3 or 4 so we'll talk to you soon!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Latest

Just wanted to let you guys know that I felt the baby move last night. I was pushing down on my belly to feel around and he/she starting pushing back. I think I was invading his/her space:)
So that's the latest.
For anyone who doesn't know, Joe got helos. That means we will be staying in FL for a little while longer. His start date is July 14th, so we're going to try to get home in the next few weeks before he starts!!

Belated Wedding Pics

These are our photos from the wedding weekend. It's taken me a year to get them up, but better late than never!
Lily is a big celebrity. She's the spotlight on all the blogs:)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Doc visit #3

Ok gang. Went to the doctor today. Everyting is going fine. We heard the baby's heartbeat. That was pretty cool. She took the regular measurements, weight and belly. 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for next month. That's the big one. We will get to find out whether it's a girl or a boy during that visit. That's the update. Bye!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Hey Everybody! Hope things are well with everyone. I just wanted to say happy birthday to Allie, Spencer and Chris! Allie's was yesterday, Chris's is today and Spencer's is Wednesday!
I hope you all have a great week!!!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Joe and I cannot wait to come home!!! Although it's going to be a quick visit, I feel like I haven't seen you guys forever! We will be getting in late on Thursday night. I'll be heading to TH on Friday to see mom and the gang. Joe will be out and about in Indy doing what guys do before weddings(golfing, etc.) Saturday it's off to grandma's to see dad and wendy and then back to Indy for the wedding! I wish we could stay longer, but I'm so glad we at least get to visit for a little while. The summer has just started so anyone who wants to visit should make plans to come down! I guess it would be good though to find out where we'll be living first. We should know for sure in a couple weeks! Ok, see you all soon!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Beach

This weekend the weather has been really nice. Yesterday we went to the beach with some of our friends. Joe and his friends were busy chasing a crab around the water. I didn't get a good photo due to the fact that I don't get in the water:) After that we went to a baseball game. The Pensacola Pelicans are a minor league team here. They play at UWF which is the college a few minutes away from our house. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We can't wait to come home and see everyone. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Picture Time

Ok, so this seems really odd to be putting something like this on the blog, but I guess that's what happens when everyone lives so far apart! We went to the doctor today and had the first sonogram. The doctor said everything looks good. The due date stayed the same. It's still November 30th. So that's the update. Here's the picture. Head, body, arms and legs. Looks like things are going fine!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gulf Breeze Zoo

Hi Everyone! It's been quite a while since I posted anything. Mostly because it's been a while since we've done anything very exciting! Last weekend we went to the zoo in Gulf Breeze. It's a little small, but it has some really cool things to see. The snake exhibit was really neat. They had pythons, constrictors and anacondas. These things were huge! They also had black bears, lions, and tigers. I didn't get too many great pictures. A lot of them were through fences, so they didn't turn out. There were a couple of opportunities to get some good shots though. I hope you all are having a good week! Only 1 more day until Friday!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

1st Visit

I went to the doctor yesterday. This was for a three hour class about nutrition and other various things. Then I had a TB test done. Finally I went to the lab for some blood work. Oh, the poor poor soul who was assigned to me. This very nice Navy man called me back into the room. He could tell I was very nervous as I always am when I have to do this sort of thing. One vile in things go wrong and he has to switch arms. Half way through that vile, boom, I pass out. The poor guys felt so bad. He kept rushing me ice and water. After I came to they reassigned me to a more experienced nurse who then knocked out the next 6 viles very quickly. I've nver been one for giving blood. This happens every time which is why I haven't made a habit of it. Can't wait until the next time. That should be great fun to watch a giant pregnant lady slump over in a pool of her own sweat! Gross I know, but what fun would it be if I had to keep this from all of you!
Well, I'm not sure when my next appointment will be. My "primary care manager" doesn't have any openings for a while. I'll keep you posted though. Hopefully the next time won't be quite as graphic. Ok, I'm off to finish my meal of saltines and water! How long does this last anyway?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Miracles Do Happen

Chris, this one is for you! ha. I give Joe a hard time about being a slob and being messy. However, something happened today that put me in my place. It will be a long time before I get to tease him again. I walked in our room and he was CLEANING OUT HIS CLOSET! This is a phenomenon that has never happened. Not only was he cleaning, he was sorting clothes to give away and to throw away. It was so amazing I had to take a picture!


Lots of my favorite people had birthdays this month. TODAY is Carey's!!! Happy Birthday Carey! Laura's was the 7th, my Granny's was the 17th, and my Mom's was the 27th!

Good Times!

Well the Haley family trip went off without a hitch. Joe and I had such a great time hanging out with everyone. Great timing too since we had good news to share:) The weather is warm now. No jackets needed today at the pool. It was 80 I think. Here are some pictures of our visit!
This is Lily learning that alcoholic beverages are for adults only. She tried to sneak a sip, but Barclay put a stop to that! Taryn is here with an Irish Wake. It's a famous drink from McGuire's. Joe and I recommend them to all of our guest:)
Well, we wish everyone could have stayed longer! We miss you already!