Monday, September 26, 2011

Put me in coach! I'm ready to Play!!

Michael's first season of T-ball is in full swing now. He's doing great. He's already hitting the ball farther and fielding the ball better than when he started. Their team is the "Cubs". His favorite part of the practice/games is when the team puts their hands in and they shout "Cubs!" on the count of three. Hank really wants to be out there. He spends each practice/game hitting and playing catch with Joe. He's pretty good. I think he'll be giving the other guys a run for their money once he gets out there himself. We have another game tomorrow so we'll post the play by play!

Sunday, September 04, 2011


We had a fun birthday celebration for Henry yesterday. He's already 3 yrs old! Ironcially enough, we are smack in the middle of a big tropical storm just like the one the started the day we got home from the hospital with him! In fact, I remember we were released early so we could get home and beat the storm. We had a super fun dinosaur party with all of our friends. After the party all 3 kids enjoyed the loot he was sent from Indiana. He got TONS of presents from everyone. Thanks a bunch!

The whole crew at the birthday party

It's T-ball Time!

Mike started T-ball practice last week. His first game is on Tuesday. He plays for the Cubs! He's getting better every practice. Joe has been working with him at home, teaching him the "the alligator" for cathing grounders and the step and throw. Hank is paying close attention. Everytime we go to practice he gets a full hour of one on one catch time with Dad.
More pics to come after game 1!

He's in the grey shirt, #8