Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby News

Today we went to the doctor to find out what we are going to have. Unfortunately the results were inconclusive. The baby was moving like crazy and the cord was in the way. The tech said she thinks it's a girl, but she couldn't be 100%. So we have to wait until the next appt. to try again. That is scheduled for April 28th. We will keep you posted!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Potty Training

Michael has been begging to get some "cars" pullups. So today while we were shopping we bought some. He loved them so much he tried to put two of them on at once. Then he wanted each of us to wear some too:)Hopefully this will help motivate him!

Henry Man

Henry is getting to be a big guy. Just after he got his tooth, he said mama. This did not make Mike happy at all! Mike promptly replied "THAT'S MY MOM!" Soon after that he started to say dada. Now Joe rubs it in that Henry says dad way more than he says mom. Here he is with a couple of other babies. They are all the same age, but as you can see, he clearly wins the size competition.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Mega Update

I have so many things to post, but I am so behind. So here's what's been going on. Joe has been very sick since last Friday. He felt so bad yesterday he came home from work early. Then, he went in to work to find that the whole squadron was going on a run with the new CO. So, he went, and puked, and feel very bad for him. Nothing sounds worse than running when you have the flu.
On a very bittersweet note, my baby, my "newborn", my little Henry has a tooth! I can't believe it. I seriously feel like he was just born yesterday. I can't believe he is 6 months old and is getting teeth. Anyway, I found it today when he was jabbering.
Attention Haley's with big head syndrome: You are smarter than the average person!
Good news huh! Henry went to the neurologist. The took one look at Joe and said "well if you take a look at the size of your head, you'll find that this is probably where Henry got his from." Yes, we already knew that, but the Dr's wanted to check it out anyway. They even strapped Henry to the cat scan table and took pictures of his brain. He's fine and according to the Dr, people who have big heads(as in this instance)have them because they have bigger brains. And there is a scientific correlation between the bigger brain size and being smarter. So hooray!
Going on the Michael, he has been watching Nick Jr. during the day. There is a commercial for "Cars" (the movie) pull ups. He keeps asking for them and I keep telling him that he has to go to the bathroom on the big potty if he wants to get them. So today he finally asked if he could try. Unfortunately nothing happened, but this is a big step for him. He usually runs away in the other direction if we mention the potty chair.
He saw the physical therapist today and she said he was making such great progress that he didn't need to come back for a month. We usually go once a week, so that is good news too.
I haven't been to the Dr lately. My next appt is next week. I am 16 weeks now so we should be finding out what this one is going to be. I'll keep you posted.