Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Tonight we carved pumpkins with our neighbors Bob and Allison. Joe got really brave and decided to carve letters. I thought we were surely headed for disaster, but it turned out really well! He had to hide the halloween candy today. I just couldn't stop eating it! He was afraid that we might run out before halloween and wouldn't have any for the kids in the neighborhood. He was probably right, but it's always a bad idea to take candy away from someone who is 9 months pregnant!

Fleet Fly In

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good week. This week was fleet fly in week on base. The Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Gaurd bring in all of their air craft for the students to see and ride in. I thought you might be interested in seeing the helicopters that Joe could end up flying. The Marines have 4, the 46, 53, Cobra and Huey. Those are the only pictures I took. We were short on day light and they were the most important.
The other Marines in the pictures are Bob(our neighbor) and Ethan (Joe's friend). They both just moved back here from Corpus. If you're here for Thanksgiving, you'll get to meet them!